Trenholm and Allen Genealogies


This bibliography contains detailed information for some of the sources used in the Trenholm & Allen Family Trees on the website . The file listing the source references is becoming quite large. Detailed information for the most frequent references is now contained in this bibliography for easier access. In the Family Tree, these references are denoted by short names: [Cem.] for Cemetery; [Census] for Census; [Coll.] for other large collections; [FBible] for Family Bible; [FGEN] for Family Genealogy; [I] for information from an individual; [LHG] for Local History and Genealogy; [VS] for Vital Statistics.

Please note that not all of the source references are listed here. Smaller references, which use less space, are given directly in the source list attached to the Family Tree.

[Cem.] Cemeteries


[Census] Census Information


[Coll.] Collections of other information


[FBible] Family Bibles


[FGEN] Family Genealogies


[I] Information from Individuals


[LHG] Local Histories & Genealogies


[VS] Vital Statistics

[Cem.] Cemeteries

[Cem.: NB, Fort Cumberland (Beausejour)] Old headstones at Fort Cumberland (now Beausejour) NB; information from Juliette McLeod, Site Supervisor;; Sept 1999. Fort Beausejour National Historic Site, 111 Fort Beausejour Rd., Aulac, N. B. E4L 2W5. (506)364-5080

[Cem.: NB, Kent Co., Harcourt & Weldford Parishes] Cemetery Extracts: Parishes of Harcourt and Weldford, Kent County, New Brunswick; compiled Sept. 1998 by William Morris, PO Box 123 Rexton NB; E0A 2L0;

[Cem.: NB, Westm. Co.; by Ayer] Cemetery Inscriptions, Westmorland County, New Brunswick; transcribed by Douglas B. Ayer in the late 1960s; Index prepared by Bruce W. Phinney 26 July 1989.

[Cem.: NB, Westm. Co.; LDS Film] Cemetery Transcriptions, Westm. Co., NB, 1982; Microfilm 1321058, item 9; LDS Church 1986.

[Cem.: NB, Westm. Co.; online] Cemetery Listings from Westmorland GENWEB 31 Dec 2001;

[Cem.: NB, Westm. Co.; St. Bartholomew; online] St. Bartholomew’s Cemetery, Cape Tormentine, Westmorland County, New Brunswick; submitted by Mark Edlund about 1999. Based on selected headstones (about 2/3 of existing stones) and parish register entries from microfilm F15662 of NB archives as well as St. Bartholomew’s records for baptisms and marriages. email and; Westmorland NB GENWEB

[Cem.: NS, Colch. & Cumb. Co.; microfilm] Cemetery Transcripts of Cumberland & Colchester Counties; PANS reel 12027

[Cem.: NS, Halifax; Old Burial Ground St. Pauls] Old Burial Ground, Halifax, NS - Information on Monuments Alphabetically, May 1989. PANS file CS15-044-I43.

[Cem.: Ontario OCFA] Ontario Cemetery Finding Aid: OCFA Web page, Jan 1997.

[Cem.: NS, Shelbu. Co.; Vol. I.] Cemetery Records of Shelburne County N.S.; Vol. I; Shelburne Co. Genealogical Soc. PO Box 248 Shelburne N.S. B0T 1W0; ISBN 1- 895991-00-5

[Cem.: NS, Shelbu. Co.; Vol. IV] Cemetery Records of Shelburne County Nova Scotia, Vol. IV; Shelburne Co. Genealogical Society; 1993; ISBN 1-895991-04-8

[Cem.: NS, Shelburne Co.; Vol. VI] Cemetery Records of Shelburne County (Nova Scotia, Canada): Volume VI; Shelburne County Genealogical Society P. O. Box 248 Shelburne, NS, B0T 1W0 (902)875-4299.

[Cem.: NS, Shinimicas Methodist; online] Cemetery Listing, Shinimicas Methodist Cem., Nova Scotia; from notes of Wm. Arnold Smith Sr.; by Robert Lee Smith;

[Census] Census Information

[Census; Canada 1881; LDS CD] 1881 Canadian Census; Family History Resource File, Latter Day Saints; CD set, by Intellectual Reserve Inc., 2002

[Census: Canada 1901; online] 1901 Census of Canada; Federal Archives online data;

[Census: Canada 1901 searchable; online] 1901 Census of Canada; Transcribed and indexed, with links to federal archives site;

[Census: Canada 1901 partial; online]

[Census, Canada 1911; online] 1911 Census of Canada;

[Census: NB, Kent Co. 1861] 1861 Census Kent County New Brunswick; compiled by NB Genealogical Society and Provincial Archives NB; 1993; ISBN 1-55048-992-5

[Census, NB, Kent Co. 1871; online] 1871 Census of Kent Co. NB; Kent County GENWEB;

[Census: NB, 1891 Kent Co.; online] 1891 Census of Kent Co. NB; Kent Co. GENWEB

[Census: NB, Northumb. Co. 1851] 1851 Census of Northumberland County New Brunswick; transcribed and compiled by Carman Williston, 1991; ISBN 1-55048-469-9; Province of New Brunswick.

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1820-24; online] 1820/24 Census, Westmorland Co. NB; Microfilm Reel F-1859 Provincial Archives of New Brunswick; transcribed by Tony LeBlanc 1993; posted to Westmorland NB GENWEB

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1851; original] New Brunswick Census, 1851, Westmorland Co., Botsford Parish; original handwritten version

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1851; Gilcash] 1851 Westmorland County Census; Volumes I and II; edited by Wayne A. Gillcash; Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., 1981; ISBN- 0-88838-091-7

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1851; Botsford; Gilcash] 1851 (Botsford Parish) Westmorland County Census; Vol. I.; edited by Wayne A. Gillcash; compiled by Marilyn Wheaton, Edith Gillcash, Wayne Gillcash; Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., 1981; ISBN-0-88838-091-7

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1851; Dorchester; Gilcash] 1851 (Dorchester Parish) Westmorland County Census; Volume I; edited by Wayne A. Gillcash; compiled by Wayne Gillcash and Marilyn Wheaton; Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., 1981; ISBN-0-88838-091-7

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1851; Moncton; Gilcash] 1851 (Moncton) Westmorland County Census; Volume I; edited by Wayne A. Gillcash; compiled Annabelle O’Brien and Brenda Dobson; Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., 1981; ISBN- 0-88838-091-7

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1851; Sackville; Gilcash] 1851 (Parish of Sackville) Westmorland County Census; Volume II; edited by Wayne A. Gillcash; compiled by Dawn Kinnie; Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., 1981; ISBN-0- 88838-370-3

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1851; Salisbury; Gilcash] 1851 (Parish of Salisbury) Westmorland County Census; Volume II; edited by Wayne A. Gillcash; compiled by Sherrill Branscombe; Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., 1981; ISBN-0-88838-370-3

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1851; Shediac; Gilcash] 1851 (Parish of Shediac) Westmorland County Census; Volume II; edited by Wayne A. Gillcash; compiled by Lizzie Anne Cormier; Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., 1981; ISBN-0- 88838-370-3

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1851; Westmorland; Gilcash] 1851 (Parish of Westmorland) Westmorland County Census; Volume II; edited by Wayne A. Gillcash; compiled by Dawn Kinnie; Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., 1981; ISBN-0- 88838- 370-3

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1861; Kanner] 1861 Census Westmorland County New Brunswick; transcribed by Kenneth E. Kanner, 1997; 108 Candlewood Dr. Moncton NB E1G 2L7.

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1871; Kanner] 1871 Census Westmorland County New Brunswick; transcribed by Kenneth E. Kanner, 1999; 108 Candlewood Dr. Moncton NB E1G 2L7.

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1881; partial] Westmorland NB Census 1881; partial photocopy by Dr. T. A. Dobson of Abbotsford BC; March 2000.

[Census: NB, Westm. Co. 1891; Kanner] 1891 Census Westmorland County New Brunswick; transcribed by Kenneth E. Kanner, 1997; 108 Candlewood Dr. Moncton NB E1G 2L7.

[Census: NB, Westm. Co.; 1901 Index; online] Index to New Brunswick 1901 census, Westmorland County. Downloaded Dec. 1998 from Westmorland GENWEB; ct-NB/census.htm

[Census: NS 1770-1787; online] Nova Scotia Census 1770-1787, from GENWEB Westmorland County NB, August 1999.

[Census: NS, Colch. Co. 1838] The 1838 Census of Colchester County Nova Scotia; compiled by Jane Currie Wile, Jul 200; pub. by Colchester Historical Museum, Truro, NS.

[Census: NS, Cumb. Co. 1861; online] 1861 Census Cumberland Co. Nova Scotia; Cumberland Genweb

[Census: NS, Cumb. Co. 1871; Don Lewis; online] 1871 Census, Cumberland County NS; Don Lewis Collection, from Cumberland GENWEB -

[Census: NS, Cumb. Co. 1881; Don Lewis; online] 1881 Census, Cumberland County; Don Lewis Collection, from Cumberland GENWEB -

[Census: NS, Cumb. Co. 1891; Don Lewis; online] 1891 Census, Cumberland County; Don Lewis Collection, from Cumberland GENWEB -

[Census: NS, Cumb. Co. 1901; Don Lewis; online] 1901 Census, Cumberland County; Don Lewis Collection, from Cumberland GENWEB -

[Census: NS, Hants & Kings Co.; 1838] The 1838 Census Index of Hants & Kings Counties Nova Scotia; by Karen E. McKay, C. G. (C); publication no. 21 Genealogical Assocn of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS, 1997.

[Census: Ontario, 1871; Index by Cox] Index to 1871 Census of Ontario; by R. E. Cox

[Census: Ontario 1871; Index on CD] Census Records of Ontario, Canada 1871: Family Tree Maker CD#116; 2000; ISBN 1-886914-81- 8 (heads of family only)

[Census: PEI 1881; online] 1881 Census of PEI; online data

[Census: PEI 1891; online] 1891 Census of PEI; online data

[Census: PEI 1901; online] 1901 Census of P.E.I.; online data

[Census: USA 1880; LDS CD] 1880 U.S. Census; LDS CD set, published 2002 USA by Intellectual Reserve Inc.

[Census: Westchester NS 1784] The return of the Westchester Loyalists, dated October 15, 1784. From original records at PANS RG 1 v. 359, #67 & #68 (Mfm# 15428) . Compiled by Jonathan H. Davidson 22 Feb. 1997,

[Census: Westchester NS 1784; online] Westchester Loyalists around Remsheg (Wallace, Novia Scotia); October 1784 return of citizens; from Cumberland County GENWEB JUNE 1999

[Coll.] Collections of other information

[Coll.: Birth Records US & Europe; Broderbund] Broderbund Family Archive #17, Ed. 1, Birth Records: United States/Europe, Birth Records, AAI Birth Records Extraction; CD #110.

[Coll.: Emigrants 1607-1776] The Complete Book of Emigrants, 1607-1776; condensed version, Broderbund CD.

[Coll.: Immigrants to America before 1750; American Genealogy] Immigrant Ancestors: A List of 2,500 Immigrants to America before 1750; edited by Frederick Adams Virkus; extracted from Vol. VII of the Compendium of American Genealogy, Chicago 1942, Inst. of American Genealogy; Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., Baltimore MD 1986; ISBN 0- 8063-0513-4

[Coll.: Immigrants to US and Canada; 17th to 19th Century; by Filby & Meyer] Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, A Guide to Published Arrival Records of about 500,000 Passengers who came to the US and Canada in the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries; 1st Edition, Vol .3 O-Z; edited by P. Wm. Filby with Mary K. Meyer; published about 1980; Gale Research Co., Book Tower, Detroit, Michigan 48226; catalog H325-2 (reference given by Jean MacGregor Simon, Jun 1999)

[Coll.: Lovell's NB Directory 1871; online] Lovell’s Directory of New Brunswick, 1871; from PANB online:

[Coll.: Loyalist Proceedings Saint John 1786; CD] Loyalist Proceedings heard at St. John NB; Vol XI 1786 Commissioner Pemberton; Genealogical Records: Loyalists in the American Revolution; Family Tree Maker CD#144.

[Coll.: The Mormon Website; online] Latter Day Saints -

[FBible] Family Bibles

[FBible: Abner Trenholm (1834-1910)] Family Bible of Abner Trenholm (1834-1910) and Mary M. Goodwin (1837-1911) showing births, deaths and marriages for two generations of descendants. Held by descendant Fred Robinson of Amherst, NS (as of 1980). (deceased) Copied by Mrs. Gladys Trenholm.

[FBible: Job Trenholm 1814-1867)] Family Bible of Job Trenholm & Charlotte Allen, copied by granddaughter Mary Agnes Trenholm, with additions by her brother Job Monsel Trenholm, 26 June 1967.

[FBible: Zachariah Trenholm (1843-1937)] Family Bible (pub. 1854) started by Zachariah Trenholm (1843-1937) and continued by William Olsen Trenholm (1889-1982) of Sackville NB.

[FGEN] Family Genealogies

[FGEN: Amos P. King Seaman 1788-1864] The Old King is Back: Amos "King" Seaman and his Diary; by Charles Bruce Fergusson, provincial archivist; PANS Bulletin No.23; Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS 1972.

[FGEN: Bartons of England, US and Canada; Vol. 1] Roger Barton’s Kinsmen: A General Record of the Barton Family and a Detailed List of Roger Barton’s Descendants; by Margaret Alberta Barton McLean, 19 Jun 1940. (This is now referred to as Volume 1. Reprints available from Higginson Books

[FGEN: Bartons of England, US and Canada; Vol.2] Roger Barton’s Kinsmen: A General Record of the Descendants of William, Andrew, John and Joseph, sons of Roger Barton, United Empire Loyalist; by Franklin Jarvis Barton CD and BAR, UEL Descendant; 1 Oct 1987. (now referred to as Vol.2 of Roger Barton’s Kinsmen)

[FGEN: Chapman Family of Dorchester NB; 1991] The Dorchester Chapmans - A Shiretown Saga, by Helen M. Petchey; 1991; ISBN 0- 9691600-3-8

[FGEN: Chappell Family of NB] History of the Chappell Family in New Brunswick; Cumberland County Museum, Nova Scotia; page 3.

[FGEN: Charles Dixon (1730-1817); online] History of Charles Dixon, one of the early English Settlers of Sackville, N. B., compiled by James D. Dixon, a grandson; Sackville N. B.; 1891. Westmorland NB GENWEB

[FGEN: Coates, Thomas] Descendants of Thomas Coates, an Immigrant from Yorkshire England; compiled by Ernest E. Coates of Nappan NS; on file at Public Archives of Nova Scotia

[FGEN: Dohertys of NB; online] Hugh Doherty Genealogy Page;

[FGEN: Eatons of NS] The Eaton Family of Nova Scotia 1760-1929, by Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton, privately printed, 1929; The Murray Printing Company, Cambridge Mass.; reproduced on Family Tree Maker/Broderbund CD, Local and Family Histories, New England 1600s-1900s; CD #V449_01.

[FGEN: Estabrooks of Sackville; 2000] Genealogical Account of the Estabrooks Family, Sackville N.B. Canada; 2vols.; compiled by Bruce T. Estabrooks & Shirley E. Anderson; July 2000; ISBN 0- 9687556-0-7

[FGEN: Fawcett, John 1744-1830 The Fawcetts of Sackville, Vol. III: Descendants of John Fawcett (1744-1830) Part 1 of 2; Kathryn Fawcett Lewis, 2000; ed. Anne Fawcett; publ. Otnabog Editions & Fawcett Family Foundation; printed by Centennial Quikprint Fredericton NB; ISBN 0-9685999-5-8;

[FGEN: Fawcett , Wm. 1739-1814] Genealogy: Descendants of William Fawcett 1739- 184 of Upper Sackville, New Brunswick; by Kathryn Fawcett Lewis, Aug. 2000;

[FGEN: Fillmores of River Phillip, NS] The Fillmores of River Phillip, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia; by Charles Lockhart Fillmore, Truro, NS, 20 Mar 1979; published by Colchester Historical Society, 29 Young St., PO Box 412, Truro, NS.

[FGEN: Goodwin Family Chart; 1930] Descendants of Daniel Goodwin (1734-) and Sarah Hunt; 3-generation chart prepared about 1930 by E. P. Goodin, P. Eng.; in possession of Mrs. Doris Gill of Moncton, 1999.

[FGEN: Goodwins of Westm. Co. NB; addendum] Additional notes on later generations of the Goodwin Family; addendum to E.P. Goodwin’s History of the Goodwin Family in NB; by Eileen Goodwin Chapman, about 1963; copy from the PEI Archives, Chapman Fonds.

[FGEN: Goodwins of Westm. Co. NB; E.P. Goodwin] History of the Goodwin Family in New Brunswick, written and compiled by Ernest P. Goodwin, Baie Verte, N.B. (based on an original document by R. Snow, 1811); about 1956; copy from PEI Archives.

[FGEN: Goodwins of Westm. Co. NB; extract by A. Owen] Goodwin Family History in New Brunswick; by Ernest P. Goodwin, Baie Verte, NB; PARO #4569. - reference by Arthur Owen of Ottawa.

[FGEN: Goodwins of NB; online] Daniel Goodwin Genealogy Website

[FGEN: James McCabe 1720-1801] The Descendants of James McCabe and Ann Pettigrew; by Allan Everett Marble; published at Boston 1986, New England Historic Genealogical Society; CS71.M4733; ISBN 0-88082-015-2.

[FGEN: John Bates of NS (1827-1870)] By The Way: 1888-1983; by John S. Bates, ; printed by Lancelot Press, Hantsport, NS, 1983; ISBN 0-88999-211-8 [John Seaman Bates, Chem. Eng., PhD., 72 Bridge St., Sackville, NB, Canada]

[FGEN: Littles of Galloway, Kent Co. NB] The Littles of Galloway and the County of Kent; George E. Little, 153 pp., privately printed after 1954; (contains a history of Richibucto)

[FGEN: McNutts; 1999] The McNutt Family, Scotland to Nova Scotia; compiled by Jane (Currie) Wile, updated Dec 1999; RR#1 Belmont NS, Canada B0M 1C0; (902)662-3757;;

[FGEN: McNutts of NS & NB; by Jane Currie Wile; online]

[FGEN: Oulton Family Tree; A. Owen; online] Information from the Arthur Owen Genealogy page, Dec.1999;

[FGEN: Richardsons of Sackville NB; L.R. Young] The Yorkshire Antecedents and American Descendants of the William H. A. Richardson Family of Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada and Reading, Massachusetts; Louise Ryder Young, 1984; ref. by Arthur Owen of Ottawa.

[FGEN: Schurman, Wm. Loyalist] William Schurman Loyalist of Bedeque, Prince Edward Island, and His Descendants, by Ross Graves, 1973; extracts forwarded by Margaret Moorehead of P.E.I., May 2002;

[FGEN: Stephen Herman Spence 1896-1946 of NB and NEB; online] Descendants of Stephen Herman Spence of New Brunswick and Nebraska; by Rachel Nicole Lee;

[FGEN: Steeves and others; Bowser] The Search for Heinrich Stief; by Les Bowser; 2001; Nimbus Publishing Ltd. Halifax NS; ISBN 1- 55109-375-8

[FGEN: Rix Family of P.E.I.; extract by A. Owen] Rix Family History - various family files collected by PEI Heritage Foundation, PARO. - reference by Arthur Owen of Ottawa.

[FGEN: Scott Family of Botsford NB; 1976] A Small Sketch of the SCOTT Family of Botsford Parish, Westm. Co. New Brunswick; by Dora (Scott) Munson & Mary (Duncan) Lane with input from relatives; 1976; revised 1977; collection of Percy Trenholm of Sackville, NB.

[FGEN: Tingley Family of NB by Frye; online Index] The Tingley Family Revised; Harold Frye;;;

[FGEN: Thompson Family of NS; online] Thompson family Register Report by Shawna Gray;

[FGEN: Titus William Knapp, Loyalist (1757-1828)] Titus William Knapp, Loyalist; about 1953, by Ralph Read Knapp LLB, Seattle, Washington. 75pp. Privately printed by the author.

[FGEN: Trenholms of South Carolina, by Holmes] Holmes, Henry Schultz, "The Trenholm Family", South Carolina Hist. and Gen. Mag., Vol. XVI, p.151. See also Chas. Co. Letters of Admin., 1819-1827, p.310. Cemetery burial list of St. Philip's Church (Charleston SC); Holmes "The Trenholm Family" Trenholm Chart 1931, by W. De- Saussure Trenholm.

[FGEN: Wm. Nathan "Dakota" Trenholm 1853-1927] Ancestors and Descendants of William Nathan and Mary Ann McLeod (Morrison) Trenholm; compiled April 2005 by Dalton Trenholm of Newbrook Alberta; for the Family Reunion at Sicamous, B.C.

[FGEN: Weldon Brothers; 1995] The Brothers Weldon, by Helen M. Petchey, 1995; ISBN 0-9691699-7-0

[FGEN: Wrights of P.E.I.] "The Wrights of Bedeque, PEI: a Loyalist Family" by Doris Muncey Haslan; Privately printed Summerside, PEI, 1978.

[I] Information from Individuals

[I: Czechowski, Audrey; Apr 1997] Information from Audrey Czechowski in Australia, a descendant of Luke Trenholm (b.1747) and Mary Kitching of Yorkshire, address, April 1997.

[I: McGill, Lawrence W.; Glendenning Scrapbook] Scrapbook of Blanche Elizabeth Glendenning; sent by email from Lawrence W. McGill, 12 Oct 1998. Contains many articles from the Amherst Daily News.

[I: Moorehead, Margaret; Scrapbooks of S. Eliza Treuman 1857- 1942]; Information from Margaret (Trueman) Moorehead of PEI (; including scrapbooks of Aunt S. Eliza Trueman (1857-1942) containing news clippings from Amherst papers. Posted on

[I: Trinham, Chris; Australia 1999] Information from Chris Trinham of Australia;; to Arthur Owen, June 1999; additional info to Barb Trenholm Nov. 1999. From a biography of James Samuel Trinham of Great Yarmouth, UK, written about 1911.

[LHG] Local Histories & Genealogies

[LHG: Bass River, NS] History of Bass River (Nova Scotia) 1765- 1978; Bass River Village history commemorating the founding of Bass River 1765; first edition compiled by members of the Women's Institute and Other interested Citizens, 1955; First Supplement published 1965; Revised Edition compiled 1978 by Bass River Senior Citizens Club.

[LHG: Botsford, NB; online] "A History and Story of Botsford" by W. M. Burns, 1933 and 1962 (reprinted); The Tribune Printing Co. Ltd., Sackville, NB. Westmorland NB GENWEB

[LHG: Cavendish PEI] Cavendish, Its History, Its People, Its Founding Families: Simpson, McNeills, Clarks and their kin; by Harold H. Simpson; 1973; Amherst and Truro NS; second printing 1974

[LHG: Chignecto Isthmus, NS-NB] "The Chignecto Isthmus and its first settlers" by Howard Trueman; first published in 1902; second publication 1975 by Wm. Briggs, Toronto; ISBN O-919302-96-3.

[LHG: Colch. Co. NS; Longworth] Israel Longworth’s History of Colchester County Nova Scotia circa 1886; edited by Sandra Creighton; 1989; Truro NS; pub. Bob & Ada Mingto; ISBN 0- 9693757-0-0

[LHG: Colch. Co. NS; by Miller] Historical and Genealogical Record of Colchester County; by Thomas Miller; Halifax Nova Scotia; A&W MacKinlay 1873; third printing 1992 by Mika Pub. Co., Belleville, Ontario; ISBN 0919302-45-9; Canadiana Reprint Series No. 34.

[LHG: Dartmouth NS and Townships; by Lawson] History of the Townships of Dartmouth, Preston and Lawrencetown, Halifax County, Nova Scotia; by Mrs. (Mary Jane Katzmann) William Lawson; originally published 1893 by Morton & Co. Provincial Book Store, Halifax Nova Scotia; facsimile edition printed by Mika Studio, Belleville, Ontario 1972; ISBN 0-919302-51-3. (Akins Historical Prize Essay, edited by Harry Piers, published by permission King's College, Windsor)

[LHG: Dartmouth, NS by Mike Parker 1987] Historic Dartmouth - Reflections of Early Life; Images of Our Past series; Mike Parker, 1987, Nimbus Publishing Ltd.; ISBN 1-55109-265-4

[LHG: Digby Co., NS] A Geography and History of the County of Digy Nova Scota by Isaiah W. Wilson; firts priting 1900 Halifax, NS, Holloway Bros., Printers, 69 Granville St.; second printing Belleville Ontario 1975 Mika Publishing Company; ISBN 0-919302- 50-5

[LHG: Doanes of New England] Gilbert H. Doane; Searching for your Ancestors - The How and Why of Genealogy; first edition published 1937; Fourth edition published Jan. 1974; 5th printing. copyright by Gilbert H. Doane. U. of Minnesota Press, 2037 University Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. 55455. Bantam Books Inc. 666 Fifth Ave. NY, NY 10019.

[LHG: Dorchester, NB; Milner] Early History of Dorchester and the Surrounding Area; W. C. Milner; 1932; second printing 1967; third printing 1981; Printed by the Tribune Press Ltd., Sackville, NB, Canada.

[LHG: England to P.E.I.] From England to Prince Edward Island; an Index of English Immigrants based on Obituaries and Death Notices in Prince Edward Island Newspapers 1835-1910; compiled by Peter Gallant; and An Indix of English Immigrants based on Cemetery Transcriptions; compiled by Nelda Murray. Published April 1991 by the PEI Genealogical Society, PO Box 2744, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada C1A 8C4.

[LHG: Fenwick, NS] Fenwick 1778-1978; by Myrtle Ripley Chappell, 1978. 231 pp.

[LHG: Ireland to P.E.I.] From Ireland to Prince Edward Island; an Index of Irish Immigrants based on Obituaries and Death Notices in Prince Edward Island Newspapers 1835-1910; compiled by Peter Gallant. Published 1 June 1990 by the PEI Genealogical Society, PO Box 2744, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada C1A 8C4.

[LHG: Falmouth, NS] "Township of Falmouth Nova Scotia" by John V. Duncanson; Mika Publishing Co., Belleville, Ontario 1983. Orig. publ. in 1965; ISBN 0-919302-75-7.

[LHG Family Chart for Trenholms of S. Carolina; W.dS. Trenholm] Trenholm Family Chart (South Carolina Trenholms); prepared by W. de Saussure Trenholm, New York, N. Y., 1930; copy provided by Ethel S. Nepveux, 1999.

[LHG: Fort Cumberland Records] Fort Cumberland historical records.

[LHG: Fort Lawrence, NS] A History of Fort Lawrence: times, tides and towns; by Gladys Trenholm, Miep Norden, Josephine Trenholm; 1985; Sherwood Printing Ltd., 8543 Argyll Rd., Edmonton, Alberta; ISBN 0-921080-00-X

[LHG: George Alfred Trenholm of South Carolina; 1973; by Nepveux] Nepveux, Ethel S., "George Alfred Trenholm and the Company that Went to War 1861-1865"; 1973; Comprint, Charleston, South Carolina; 123 pp.

[LHG: George Alfred Trenholm of South Carolina; 1994; by Nepveux] George Alfred Trenholm and the Company that went to War 1861-1865; by Ethel Trenholm Seabrook Nepveux; first printing1973; second printing 1994; Electric City Printing Co., Anderson, SS. Carolina. Ethel Nepveux, 717 Parish Rd., Charleston S. Carolina 29407-7235.

[LHG: Guysborough Co. NS; Jost] Guysborough Sketches and Other Essays; A. C. Jost, Guysborough, NS 1950; Kentville Publishing Co. Ltd.

[LHG: Hants Co. NS] Historic Hants County; by Gwendolyn Vaughan Shand, 1979; pub. by the author; dist. by Petheric Press Ltd., Halifax, NS; printed by McCurdy Printing Co. Ltd.

[LHG: Horton Point, NS] Horton Point, a History of Avonport Nova Scotia; by Gordon M. Haliburton, 1998; Gaspereau Press, Wolfville NS;; ISBN 1- 894031-07-05

[LHG: Inverness Co. NS; MacDougall] History of Inverness County Nova Scotia by J. L. MacDougall; Strathlorne, NS, 2 Jan 1922; Originally published 1922, Truro, NS; reprinted by Sandy Group, 1999, 1-877-726-3947; email; www.; ISBN 0-919392-54-8.

[LHG: Kings Co. NS; Hamilton; 1910] History of King¹s County, Nova Scotia; Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton, original pub. 1910 Salem Mass. by Salem Press Co.; reprinted1999 by Glocal Heritage Press, 13 Charles St. Suite 102, Milton, Ont. L9T 2G5; ISBN-1- 894378-4; 1-800-361-5168;

[LHG: Malagash, NS] "Pioneers of Malagash : Genealogical Record from Early Days" by Alexander M. MacNab, Aug 1943; pub. about 1968, reprinted 1977 by the North Cumberland Historical Society.

[LHG: Melrose, NB; online] The Story of Melrose, by E. Savage, the first President of the Anti-Profanity Society; about 1900; collection of the Université Saint Joseph Archives, Moncton, NB. Westmorland NB GENWEB

[LHG: Moncton, NB] The Monctonians: Citizens, Saints and Scoundrels; vol. 1; by John Edward Belliveau, 1981; published by Lancelot Press, Hantsport, Nova Scotia; ISBN0- 88999-148-0

[LHG: Moncton Twp., NB, 1788] Moncton Township Settlers; letter by Stephen Millidge, Deputy Surveyor, dated 18 Mar 1788, NB Provincial Archives; posted on Westmorland County NB GENWEB Page by Cleadie B. Barnett CG(C).

[LHG: NB Loyalists; Index by Wright] The Loyalists of New Brunswick; Esther Clark Wright; First edition May 1955, Third printing Feb 1977, Lancelot Press, Windsor, Nova Scotia.

[LHG: NE Margaree, Cape Breton, NS] History of the Municipal District of Northeast Margaree, 1800-1961; John F. Hart, March 1, 1962, Margaree Centre, NS.

[LHG: Newport, NS] "Newport, Nova Scota: A Rhode Island Township Founded 1760" by John Victor Duncanson; Copyright Mika Publishing Co., Belleville, Ontario, Canada 1985; ISBN No. 0- 919303-92-7.

[LHG: North Cumberland, NS; by Brown] Lore of North Cumberland: including the area between Northport, Malagash and Wentworth, by Harry R. Brown and others; 1982; published by The North Cumberland Historical Society, publication No. 9; printed by Lancelot Press, Hantsport, NS; ISBN 0-920784-08-09

[LHG: NS Loyalist Land Grants] Loyalists and Land Settlement in Nova Scotia: a list compiled by Marion Gilroy, under direction of D. C. Harvey, archivist; published by the authority of the Board of Trustees of the Public Archives of Nova Scotia; Publication No. 4, Genealogical Committee, Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society with index by Wm. G. Dodge-Murphy, Jessie M. (Rumley) Murphy; 1980. 188pp

[LHG: NS, Port Roseway Associates] "The Port Roseway Associates" by Marion Robertson, Nova Scotia Historical Review, Vol.3 No. 1, 1983.

[LHG: Passamaquoddy, NB] "Passamaquoddy: Genealogies of West Isles Families" by Martha Ford Barto; 1975, Saint John, New Brunswick.

[LHG: Pattersons of Kings Co. NS] The Pattersons of Kings County, Nova Scotia; Donald F. Patterson, 1977; RR1, St. Catharines, Ontario, Jan 1977; nephew of Rev. Harry P. Patterson who completed the main work in 1925.

[LHG: P.E.I. Loyalists] "An Island Refuge: Loyalists and Disbanded Troops on the Island of Saint John"; United Empire Loyalist Association, Abegweit Branch; 1983; printed by Williams & Crue Ltd. Charlottetown, PEI. PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation, PO Box 922 Charlottetown PEI; C1A 7L9 (902)368-6603.

[LHG: Pennsylvania Settlers in NB; Hempel] New Voices on the Shore; Early Pennsylvania German Settlements in New Brunswick; Rainer L. Hempel; German- Canadian Historical Assoc., Toronto Ontario, 2000; ISBN 0-921415-08-7

[LHG: Pictou, NS; by Sherwood] Pictou Pioneers: a story of the first hundred years in the history of Pictou town; by Roland H. Sherwood 1973; Lancelot Press Limited, Windsor, Nova Scotia.

[LHG: Planters of NS] "Planters and Pioneers: Nova Scotia, 1749 to 1775" by Esther Clark Wright, 1978; Lancelot Press Ltd., Hantsport, Nova Scotia; ISBN 0-88999-087-5

[LHG: Port Clyde, NS; 1953] History of Port Clyde; by Port Clyde Women's Institute; 1953?; printed by South Shore Gazette Ltd., Shelburne, NS; with acknowledgement to Everett NIckerson for much of the information. 88pp + photos.

[LHG: Port Elgin, NB; online] History of Port Elgin - Melrose Parish, 1927; Collection of the Université Saint Joseph Archives, Moncton, NB. Westmorland NB GENWEB

[LHG: Pugwash, NS] The History of Pugwash" by James F. Smith, copyright 1978; publ by The North Cumberland Historical Society; pub. no. 8; printed by the Oxford Journal. (includes the 1871 census for Pugwash and area)

[LHG: Queens Co. NS] The History of Queens County N.S. by James F. More, Esq., originally published 1873 by Nova Scotia Printing Co., Halifax, NS; Canadiana Reprint Series No.27; Facsimile edition printed 1972 by Mika Studio, Belleville, Ontario; ISBN 0- 919302-37-8

[LHG: Records of Chignecto, NS-NB] "Records of Chignecto" by W. C. Milner; published by the Nova Scotia Historical Society, contained in Volume XV; after 1909. contains lists of land grants, people arriving on ships.

[LHG: Sackville, NB; Milner] "History of Sackville New Brunswick" by W. C. Milner, 1934; third reprinting 1970, The Tribune Press, Sackville NB.

[LHG: Sackville, NB; Street Names; 2004] Aboushagan to Zwicker, An Historical Guide to Sackville, New Brunswick Street Nomenclature; Allen D. Smith, 25 May 2004; Tantramar Heritage Trust, Sackville NB

[LHG: Sackville, NB; Methodist Church; 1990] The Chignecto ŒConnexion¹ - The History of Sackville Methodist United Church 1772-1990; Peter Penner; Sackville New Brunswick; May 1990; printed by Tribune Press Ltd. POB 1348 Sackville NB, E0A 3C0; distributed by Sackville United Church, POB 968 Sackville NB, E0A 3C0; ISBN 0-9694398-0-6

[LHG: Scotland to PEI] From Scotland to Prince Edward Island; compiled by Peter Gallant and Nelda Murray; pub. by PEI Genealogical Soc. Dec.1990

[LHG: Shediac, NB; Belliveau; 1977] Running Far In - The Story of Shediac; John Edward Belliveau; written 1977; published 2002; Nimbus Publishing Ltd.; ISBN 1-55109-431-2.

[LHG: Sussex, NB; Aiton] "The Story of Sussex and Vicinity" by Grace Aiton, published by the Kings County Historical Society, 1967. (lists descendants of Joseph Wells Dobson and Ruth Trenholm); 2nd reprint 1971; 3rd reprint 1979.

[LHG: Trenholmes in Yorkshire & Quebec] "Trenholme in Yorkshire, with some notes on the Trenholme family" by the Rev. Edward Craig Trenholme; Apr 1933, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Original printed in England by A.T. Broome & Son, 18 S. Clements St., Oxford. Reprints available from Higginson Books, Salem, Mass.

[LHG: Trinity United Church, Shelburne, NS] Trinity United Church, Shelburne, N. S., by Marion (Doane) Robertson1983; printed by Lancelot Press for Trinity United Church Publication Committee; ISBN 0-88999-205-3

[LHG: Wallace Bay, NS] "The Valley of the Remsheg or History of Wallace Bay Nova Scotia" by Harry R. Brown; first ed. 1973; 2nd 1979; North Cumberland Historical Soc. Pub. No. 4; ISBN 0-920784- 07-0; 265 pp.

[LHG: Watertown Mass. USA; Bond, 1860] Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown Mass.; by Henry Bond M.D., 1860; Boston; 2nd ed.; reprinted by Higginson Book Co. of Salem Mass., 2000.

[LHG: Windsor, NS] "Gateway to the Valley: Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada"; Centennial publication 1878-1978; published by the Centennial Committee, Windsor, NS; Dec. 1977; authors: Joan Bower, Lalia Harvie, Shawn Houlihan, Susan Kinsman, Kim Smith and Suzanne Smith. about 167 pp; soft cover.

[LHG: William Albert Trueman 1875-1965] ‘Round a Chignecto Hearth, stories by William Albert Trueman 1875-1965, collected by his daughter-in-law Eva Freeman Trueman, Pt. De Bute, New Brunswick; ed. by Margaret Trueman Moorehead and Eugenia Trueman Coates; Sin Twister Publishing, Summerside PEI; printed by Williams & Crue (1982) Ltd.; ISBN 0-9687217-0-2

[LHG: Wm. Black 1727-1821] History of Black's and other families: "William Black and his Descendants", by Cyrus Black, Amherst, Nova Scotia, 1885; Amherst Gazette Steam Printing House. Historical Record of the posterity of William Black who settled in this country in the year seventeen hundred and seventy-five, also, a sketch of 23 English Families and some early settlers from New England, who settled at the head of the Bay of Fundy about the same time.

[VS] Vital Statistics

[VS: Australia; LDS CD] Australian Vital Records Index 1788- 1905; LDS CD 50095

[VS: British Isles; LDS CD] Vital Records Index - British Isles - Latter Day Saints CD 1998; Births and Marriages in Yorkshire: FHL #919065 at Kirk Leavington and Kirby in Cleveland 1730-1812; #1546299 Kirk Leavington 1755-1837; #994073 at Saint Maurice, York 1559-1837; #98537 Rudston, York, England, 1550-1812; #1068534 Saint Mary Bishopshill Sr., York, Yorkshire, 1598-1753; #1068383 Market Weighton, York, England.

[VS: Halifax Chronicle Herald CD 1961-1999] The Halifax Chronicle Herald - Herald Online Services - Genealogy Index 1961- 1992/ Vitals 1992-1999; CD issued April 1999.

[VS: Illinois Marriages 1763-1900; online] Illinois State Marriage Index 1763-1900; .html; forwarded by Barbara (Wells) Henderson, June 2002

[VS: Methodist Baptisms, Barrington NS] Baptismal records of Rev. James Mann, of Methodist Church, Barrington, Shelburne County, NS; copy provided by Orlando Taylor of Steuben, Maine, to Sally (Emery) King of Dartmouth, NS.

[VS: NB Births 1810-1906; online] Late registration of births 1810-1906, Public Archives New Brunswick; online data.

[VS: NB Births 1900-1902; online] New Brunswick Provincial Registration of Births (1900-1902); online data PANB;

[VS: NB Births 1900-1907; online] Birth Index 1900-1907, Public Archives New Brunswick; online data;

[VS: NB Deaths 1920-1951; online] Record of deaths 1920-1951, Public Archives New Brunswick; online data.

[VS: NB Marriage Bonds 1810-1922; online] New Brunswick Marriage Bonds 1810- 1932; Public Archives New Brunswick online data;

[VS: NB Marriages 1882-1901; Wiggs] Information taken from the Cumulative Index to MARRIAGES 1882 - 1901 Extracted from RS141 : New Brunswick Vital Statistics Volume I: 1882 to 1901; Compiled by Dorothy Wiggs and dated December 1997; forwarded by Barbara Wells Henderson.

[VS: NB Marriages 1887-1926; Wiggs; online] Index to New Brunswick Marriages 1887- 1916 Extracted from RS141 New Brunswick Vital Statistics by Dorothy Wiggs for the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

[VS: NB Marriages 1902-1910; Wiggs] Information taken from the Cumulative Index to MARRIAGES Vol. II 1902 - 1910 Extracted from RS141 : New Brunswick Vital Statistics Volume 2: "M to Z"; Compiled by Dorothy Wiggs and dated April, 1999; forwarded by Barbara Wells Henderson.

[VS: NB Marriages 1911-1913; Wiggs] Index to Marriages 1911 - 1913; Extracted from RS141 : New Brunswick Vital Statistics; Compiled by Dorothy Wiggs and dated June 21, 1999; forwarded by Barbara (Wells) Henderson Aug 1999.

[VS: NB Newspapers; by Johnson] Vital Statistics from New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers; Daniel F. Johnson (CG); PO Box 26025, Saint John, NB, E2J 4M3; customized search Volumes 1-70; 1997.

[VS: NB, Kent Co. or Northumb. Co.; Early Marriages; online] Early Marriages of Northumberland County, N.B.; transcribed by D. Purdue from PANB microfilm # 15488; see online

[VS: NB, Kent Co., Marriages before 1835; online] Marriages at Kent Co. NB before 1835; compiled by Deborah Hale; online Kent Co. NB GENWEB;; published in Generations issue #26; Dec. 1985.

[VS: NB, Kent Co., Richibucto; Births & Baptisms; online] Births & Baptisms, Richibucto Cathedral PANB Film # F1113 Kent Co. NB;

[VS: NB, Point de Bute Baptisms; W. Oulton] Baptisms, Point de Bute New Brunswick; tape C-13; partial transcript by Bill Oulton, fwd. by Arthur Owen, March 2000.

[VS: NB, Point de Bute United Church; Dobson extracts] Dobson extracts from Pt. De Bute Pastoral Charge Record Book; Maritime Conference Archives, United Church of Canada, 32 York St. Sackville NB; (506) 364-5050; from Andy Brown to Albert Dobson, Oct. 1999.; also email copy.

[VS: NB, Sackville; Jones Funeral Home; online] Obituaries, Jones Funeral Home, Sackville NB;

[VS: NB, Saint John Burials 1889-1919; online] Burial Permits 1889-1919, Saint John NB; online data at PANB;

[VS: NB, Shemogue; Presbyterian Marriages 1893-1920] A record of the marriages on the Shemogue charge of the Presbyterian Church during the ministry of the Rev. Joseph Howe Brownell (1893-1920); dated Sep 1936. Copy of original courtesy Shirley Anderson and Ian F. Paul, Jan 97
available on Westmorland GENWEB:

[VS; NB, Westmorland Co. Marriages 1790-1835; LDS Microfilm] Marriage Register, Westmorland Co., NB, 1790-1835, LDS microfilm #0847576

[VS: NB, Westmorland Co.; Marriages 1790-1856] Marriage Register of Westmoreland Co., NB, Vol.1: 1790-1835, Vol.2 1836 -1856

[VS: NB, Westm. Co. Marriages 1790-1888; transcribed by Kanner & Geldart] Marriage Register of Westmoreland Co., NB, Part 1: 1790-1856, Part 2 1857-1888; transcribed by Ken Kanner and V. "Bing" Geldart, 1986

[VS: North America; LDS CD] LDS Vital Records Index North America - CD 1998

* [VS: NS; Archives Online]
Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics
Births 1864-1877 and Delayed Births 1836-1907 or Current Year - 100
Marriage Bonds 1763-1864 and Registrations 1864-1932 or Current Year - 75
Deaths 1864-1877 and 1 Oct. 1908 - 1957 or Current Year - 50

* [VS: NS Marriages 1752-1841; H. Long; GANS 37; 2009]
Marriages in Nova Scotia (Excluding Halifax City) 1752-1941; H. Long, 2009; Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia, Pub. No. 37

[VS: NS, Amherst; Baptist Church 1897-1900; online] The Reflector, magazine of the First Baptist Church, Amherst; 1897-1900 extracted births & deaths; from Cumberland GENWEB, June 1999.

[VS: NS, Amherst Obituaries; Campbells Funeral Home; online] Campbells Funeral Home Online Obituaries;

[VS: NS, Berwick 1878-1930; online] Vital Stats from newspaper " Berwick Register", 1878-1930; Nova Scotia; online data ; (fwd by Barb Henderson)

[VS: NS, Colch. Co. Births 1860-1877; online] Vital Statistics of Colchester Co. Nova Scotia - Births 1860-1877; from the Colchester GENWEB

[VS: NS, Colch. Co. Deaths 1864-1877; online] Vital Statistics of Colchester Co. Nova Scotia - Deaths; from the Colchester GENWEB

[VS: NS, Colch. Co. Marriages 1763-1864] Marriages of Colchester County, Nova Scotia 1763-1864 Part I; compiled by William T. Hill, 1991; publ by Fundy Family Researchers, 46 Laurie St. Truro NS

[VS: NS, Colch. Co. Marriages 1850-1914; online] Vital Statistics of Colchester Co. Nova Scotia -Marriages 1850-1914; from the Colchester GENWEB

[VS: NS, Cumb. Co.; Births 1862-1892; online] Cumberland County Vital Statistics - Births (1862-1892)- from Cumberland GENWEB Page, June 1999.

[VS: NS, Cumb. Co.; Deaths 1864-1877; online] Cumberland County Vital Statistics - Deaths - from Cumberland GENWEB.

[VS: NS, Cumb. Co.; Marriages 1836-1914; C. Dickie] Cumberland County, NS, Marriage Records 1836-1914; copied by Catherine Dickie and sent to Ian F. Paul, Dec. 1996.

[VS: NS, Cumb. Co.; Marriages 1860-1913; online] Cumberland County Vital Statistics - Marriages (1860-1913) - from Cumberland NS GENWEB

[VS: NS, Cumb. Co.; Random Gleanings; online] Random gleanings from Cumberland County (on GENWEB

[VS: NS, Cumb.-Colch. Twp.; Births 1760-1901; online] Township Records - BIRTHS - 1760-1901 Cumberland/ Colchester Counties, Nova Scotia; from Cumberland County GENWEB, June 1999

[VS: NS, Cumb.-Colch. Twp.; Deaths 1770-1972; online] Township Records - DEATHS - 1770-1972 Cumberland/Colchester Counties, Nova Scotia, Canada - The Don Lewis collection, from Cumberland GENWEB, June 1999.

[VS: NS, Cumb.-Colch. Twp.; Marriages 1761-1912; online] Township Records - MARRIAGES - 1761-1912 Cumberland/ Colchester Counties, Nova Scotia; from Cumberland GENWEB, June 1999

[VS: NS Deaths, Burials, Probate 1749-1799 (A-K)] Deaths, Burials and Probate of Nova Scotiana, 1749-1799, from Primary Sources; Vol.1 (A-K); by Allan Everett Marble, C.G.(C); Publication No. 14, Genealogical Assoc. of NS; Halifax, NS, 1990.

[VS: NS Deaths, Burials, Probate 1749-1799 (L-Z)] Deaths, Burials and Probate of Nova Scotians, 1749-1799, from primary sources: Vol2:L-Z by Allan Everett Marble, C.G.(C); Publication No. 15, Genealogical Assoc. of NS; Halifax, NS, 1990.

[VS: NS Deaths, Burials, Probate 1800-1850] Deaths, Burials and Probate of Nova Scotians, 1800-1850, from Primary Sources; by Allan Everett Marble, C.G.(C); Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia, Halifax 1999.

[VS: NS, Fort Lawrence 1766-1891; microfilm] Record of marriages, births and deaths in the town of Fort Lawrence, Nova Scotia 1766-1891; microfilm M-843

[VS: NS, Halifax; Religious Marriages 1768-1841] Religious Marriages in Halifax, 1768- 1841, from Original Sources; Terrence M. Punch, C.G.(C); Publication No. 16, Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS, 1991.

[VS: NS, Halifax; St. Paul's Anglican Church 1749-1768] Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1749-1768, St. Paul’s Church, Halifax Nova Scotia; compiled by Jean M. Holder & Grace L. Hubley; Halifax 1983; Pub. No. 7, Genealogical Assoc. of Nova Scotia

[VS: NS, Joggins 1886-1900; online] Births at Joggins and Vicinity, attended by Dr. Wm. Rockwell, 1886-1900; from Cumberland GENWEB, June 1999.

[VS: NS, Kings Co. 1866-1899] Vital Statistics from Kings County Newspapers 1866- 1899; by John Parker, Windsor Jct. NS; in The Nova Scotia Genealogist, Summer & Fall 2001; Vol.XIX/2&3

[VS: NS Marriage Bond Index 1763-1840] Nova Scotia Marriage Bond Index; Genealogical Assoc. of NS; 1994.

[VS: NS Marriage Bond Index 1821-1840] Nova Scotia Marriage Bond Index 1821-1840; Genealogical Assoc of NS; 1994.

[VS: NS Marriage Bond Index 1841-1864] Nova Scotia Marriage Bond Index 1841-1864; Genealogical Assoc. Nova Scotia, 1994.

[VS: NS Marriage Bonds; online] Nova Scotia Marriage Bonds - online data, NS Archives & Record Management;

[VS: NS News 1769-1812] Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1769-1812; Compiled by Terrence M. Punch, Genealogical Committee of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, pub. no. 5; copyright 1981; Terrence M. Punch, Halifax.

[VS: NS News 1813-1822] Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1813-1822; Compiled by Terrence M. Punch, Genealogical Committee of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, pub. no. 1; copyright 1978; Terrence M. Punch, Halifax.

[VS: NS News 1823-1828] Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1823-1828; Compiled by Jean M. Holder, Genealogical Committee of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, pub. no. 3; copyright 1980; Jean M. Holder, Halifax.

[VS: NS News 1829-1834] Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1829-1834; compiled by Jean Holder, assisted by Grace Hubley; Genealogical Assoc. of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society; Pub. No. Six; Halifax 1982.

[VS: NS News 1835-1839] Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1835-1839; compiled by Jean Holder, assisted by Grace Hubley; Genealogical Assoc. of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society; Pub. No. Eight; Halifax 1984.

[VS: NS News 1840-1843] Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1840-1843; compiled by Jean M. Holder, assisted by Grace Hubley; Genealogical Assoc. of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society; Pub. No. Ten; Halifax 1985.

[VS: NS News 1844-1847] Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1844-1847; compiled by Jean Holder, assisted by Grace Hubley and Helen D. Goss; Genealogical Assoc. of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society; Pub. No. Eleven; Halifax 1986.

[VS: NS News 1848-1851] Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1848-1851; compiled by Jean Holder, assisted by Grace Hubley; Genealogical Assoc. of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society; Pub. No. Twelve; Halifax 1987.

[VS: NS News 1852-1854] Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1852-1854; compiled by Jean Holder, assisted by Helen D. Goss; Genealogical Assoc. of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society; Pub. No. Thirteen; Halifax 1988.

[VS: NS News 1855-1856 Halifax] Vital Statistics from Halifax Newspapers 1855-1856; compiled by Lee Embree, Evelyn MacLeod, Phyllis Wagg; Deborah J. Innes ed.; Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia; Pub. No. 27; 2000.

[VS: NS Obits; online] Sea of Memories;

[VS: NS, Cape Breton deaths 1933-1938] Obituaries from the Sydney Post-Record 1933-1938; 2004; Pub. No. 32, Genealogical Assoc. of Nova Scotia; Halifax, N.S.; ISBN 1-895982-27-8

[VS: NS, Cape Breton; deaths 1945-1950] Obituaries from the Sydney Post-Record 1945- 1950; Pub. No. 28, Genealogical Assoc. of Nova Scotia; Wayne MacVicar; ed. by Deborah J. Innes; 2002; ISBN 1-895982-25-1

[VS: NS, Cape Breton Deaths 1951-1956] Obituaries from the Sydney Post-Record 1951-1956; Wayne MacVicar; Pub. No. 31, Genealogical Assoc. of Nova Scotia; Halifax N.S. 2003; ISBN 1- 895982-29-4

[VS: NS, Cumberland Co. Deaths 1909-1963; CD] Cumberland County Death Index 1909-1963; CD#1-03/2004; compiled by the Cumberland County Genealogical Society; Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada; ISBN 0-9733643-0-0.

[VS: NS, Parrsboro-Maccan Methodist 1832-1894; online] Parrsboro-Maccan Methodist Circuit Records 1832-1894, from Cumberland Co. GENWEB; transcription by Lew Bird, electronic format by Sandra Naehrig of Switzerland:;

[VS: NS, Springhill; online] Vital Statistics from Springhill News and Advertiser and Springhill Record; from Cumberland GENWEB, Jun 1999.

[VS: NS, Truro; Olive Funeral Home 1899-1927] Index to Funeral Records and Ledgers 1899-1927 of J. C. B. Olive, funeral director and embalmer; Truro, Colchester County, Nova Scotia; Pub. No. 17, Genealogical Assoc. of NS, 1995.

[VS: NS, Wallace; Methodist Marriages 1832-1865; online] Methodist Marriages at Wallace, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia (1832-1865); from Cumberland GENWEB, June 1999; by Jonathan H. Davidson & Leland Harvie, from PANS films #11975 & 11976;

[VS: Ont, Gore Dist.; marriages 1842-1856] The Marriage Registers of Upper Canada - Canada West; Vol. 13 Gore District 1842-1856; Dan Walker & Fawne Stratford-Devai; Global Heritage Press, Milton, Ont. Canada

[VS: Ontario Marriage Index 1858-1869; CD] Ontario 1858-1869 Marriage Index (not all counties); Family Tree Maker CD#266 Genealogy.Com 2001

[VS: Ont, Wellington Co. Marriages 1869-1872] Wellington County Marriages; Registrations for Wellington Co. Ontario Canada 1869-1872; Vols. 1 & 2; Jeff Stewart & Janet Langdon; Winfield Publishing; 2001; ISBN 0-9689023-0-8.

[VS: PEI Baptisms to 1886] P. E. I. Archives; Baptism index (to 1886)

[VS: PEI Deaths to 1906] P. E. I. Archives; Death index (to 1906)

[VS: PEI Marriage Bonds 1849-1902] P. E. I. Archives; marriage bond index (1849-1902)

[VS: PEI Marriage Licenses 1787-1919] P.E.I. Archives; marriage license index (1787- 1919)

[VS: PEI Probate; online] PEI Probate Lists online;

[VS: Pennsylvania German Church 1729-1870] Broderbund Family Tree Maker: Pennsylvania German Church Records, 1729- 1870. (1997) [VS: US SSN 1937-1997] US Social Security Death Index, 1937-1997; Family Tree Maker CD #110

[VS: Western Europe; LDS CD] LDS Vital Records Index Western Europe (Germany) on CD

[VS: Yorkshire, Hinderswell & Marske; from L. Bowser] Hinderswell & Marske Parish Records and Abstracts, Yorkshire; collected by Les Bowser 1997; fwd by email Sept 1999;; see also Parish Record of Baptims, Marriages and Burials for Hinderswell, 1600-1837; also Abstract of Marriages for St. Germain/ St. Marks Church, Marske-by-the-Sea, Redcar, Cleveland; Yorkshire register Vol.2 YK/R284:YK/REG/53079 at Society of Genealogists, London.

[VS: Yorkshire; Parish Records of Whorlton] Original Handwritten parish records, Whorlton, Yorkshire. Transcribed by Barbara Trenholm and Harold Merklinger, Oct 1987.

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